
Friday, December 16, 2011

Fill in the blank Friday: 12/16/2011

link up here

1) My most favorite 'little thing' is: writing notes back and forth to my husband on our dry erase picture.
2) I'd give anything to talk to loved ones who have passed & cuddle with my beloved Tinkerbell.
3) I can't believe today is the beginning of my Christmas break, wa-hoo!
4) The one thing I'd like to achieve today is spreading some Christmas cheer.
5) The last thing I want to do today is clean my house.
6) If I were writing my own blank today it would say the best Christmas I ever had was...
7) My favorite candle scent is vanilla.


  1. Thats really cute you write notes back and forth!

  2. Hope you had a wonderful Holiday!

    I just nominated you for a blog award. Be sure to check out my blog tomorrow morning :)
