
Friday, February 24, 2012

It's Friday! 2/24/2012

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I love Friday! Who doesn't? My favorite part about Friday is playing the Glee version of Rebecca Black's song titled Friday. My students LOVE it! I am in charge of broadcasting our morning's announcement and at the end of each broadcast we play a song with a picture slide show. Sometimes my students request I play the song on other days of the week... Nope, Friday's only! Enjoy your day!

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1 comment:

  1. That's so cute that your students want to play the Friday song everyday! haha..Then Fridays wouldn't be special!! I hope you had a good weekend!

    ps, I gave your blog an award on my blog, if you are into those things. If not, I am still a fan. : ) Your blog is beautiful.
    Have a great week!
