
Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans

Sami's Shenanigans

Well, my weekend kicked off with yours truly being awarded teacher of the week! I got to wear the sash pictured above and all this week I have front row parking! Wa-hoo! When I arrived home on Friday I found my beautiful morning glory has grown quite a bit, I am so impressed as it's the only thing I've ever grown, ever. I spent my Friday the 13th at Target buying stuff I don't need only wanted, and I must admit that I was in bed with my eyes shut at 8:45 that night. I didn't get to watch the movie I had planned on or the Ghost Adventures show. Thank God for DVR!
   On Saturday morning I met my best friend Linzie at the country club. We laid out and got some good sun/vitamin D until the Aggie game started at 2:30. We hung out, watched the game, ate, and then it was over. Second night in a row I was in bed before 9! I think my body was just exhausted, and that is fine with me, I obviously needed it.
   Sunday we were lazy. I had to pick up some vitamins and that was the only outing of the day. It was glorious! We thought it was going to rain, no such luck. Sunday evenings are the best, RHONJ and Boardwalk Empire! Sadly, I fell asleep during Boardwalk but will catch up on it later today before BSF. I hope you had a great weekend as well.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment last week. I have enjoyed getting to know you through you blog and look forward to following you!
