
Friday, August 31, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday: 8/31/2012

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1. Over this labor day weekend I will be: relaxing!
2. With the political debates going on right now I think: I will keep my opinions to myself.
3. Today: I feel great because of the lovely three day weekend ahead.
4. The best thing I've cooked lately is: ha-ha, I don't cook.
5. The last thing I bought was: school supplies for my classroom.
6. The best movie I saw over the summer was: Magic Mike (it's the only movie I saw in a theatre)
7. The best book I read over the summer was: the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy.

I hope you are able to enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting! 8/29/2012

   Of course on the second day of school I get strep. Last year I went the entire year (almost) without getting sick. I missed my CrossFit movement class but I did sleep the entire day and I feel much better today. I'm also looking forward to my three day weekend, yay for Labor Day!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

The List: 8/28/2012

   Yesterday was the first day of school, hip-hip-hooray! Only 177 more instructional days to go. On Sunday night I had my CrossFit meeting. To say it was intense is an understatement. I focused on the words 'throw-up' pretty much the entire time. When asked at the end if anyone had any questions I had to resist raising my untoned arm to ask where exactly do you throw-up? Seriously, I need to know because I will be doing that (throwing-up) a lot. I have seen videos of gyms that do not have A/C but never experienced what one truly feels like and I didn't even work out but once I got home Blake said "Wow, they made ya'll workout tonight?!", my response, "No, they don't believe in A/C and it was hot as hell". Am I more excited for CrossFit? No. All I can think about is throwing-up and push ups. Tonight we have our first class that will teach us the movements and CrossFit techniques. Holy roman canolli pray for me. I will not give up, I haven't even started yet. I must remain positive.

   I do belive that having the first week of school and CrossFit begin at the same time has coherently thrown my body for a loop. I was so exhausted yesterday that I couldn't sleep and all I prayed for and thought about was falling asleep. I flipping slept all summer, why am I so tired?

   Ok, here are my list items for this week:

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The List: 8/21/2012

   It's safe to say I survived the first day of inservice. True to my word I was able to bypass the "How was your summer?" question. I am feeling energized, important, and this is my first year of having an "I can do anything" attitude. I'm looking forward to my classes, new faces, and the old. My CrossFit challenge is about to begin and even though my body isn't prepared I can't wait. God is so good all of the time. I am trying to see the beauty in the little things and not let some of those little things bring me down. This is MY year, I can feel it.
   So here is a continued list of things I want to accomplish. This school year consists of 178 days beginning next Monday. My classroom might not be complete but I'm ready.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting: 8/8/2012

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   I am currently loving the Shades of Grey series and am proud to say that I am on the last book. Christian Grey is probably my favorite thing about this summer. Is anyone else fascinated by these books? If so, who do you want to play Christian and Anastasia?

Here are my top pins of the week:

   The first pin is probably my favorite. My sister and I spend a lot of time texting pictures of who we think should play Christian. 
Here are a few of my top contenders:
Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Alex Pettyfer

An old friend of mine, James Miles Fisher (He looks like a much younger Christian Bale)