
Thursday, July 19, 2012

It's Ok, Thursday: 7/19/2012

link up here

It's ok....

that this is the funniest website I have been to in a long time my life through kristen wiig

that stores are already putting out Halloween items (buh-bye summer)

that my ONE project for the summer was to finish my dressing room and it's almost complete

to totally look forward to Sunday night, True Blood (helllllo)

to stay in your p.j.'s all day, you deserve some alone time

to wear a one piece

to pin one zillion things in a day

that I still haven't been to a pool or beach this summer

that I am the most excited about the fact that I completed several loads of laundry

and to spice things up here's goes it's NOT ok...

to tell a couple trying to get pregnant ANY of the following things:
  • You should just relax
  • Don't worry, it will happen
  • You're both still so young
  • My spouse just has to look at me and we're pregnant
  • Maybe it's a sign
  • Are you pregnant yet?

Tomorrow is Friday, wa-hoo to all of you working people out there! Friday is my second favorite F word!


  1. Friday is my second favorite "F" word as well!

  2. Stores around me already have Christmas things up! Couldn't agree more with your It's Not Okay list. I've been there & we're back there with TTC #2, some people need to be smacked!

  3. I rolled my eyes at all the no's gosh people can be soo cruel!But you are right God's time is always the perfect one :)!

  4. So okay to wear a one piece- I'm with you on that, my friend! :)and staying your PJ's all day...the best!
