This post is inspired by this Carrie Bradshaw quote: "I know I’ll never be the girl with the perfect hair, or be able to wear white without spilling anything on it, but that’s okay.” Someone in the blog world asked the simple question "Why do you blog?", and it got me thinking. Do I wish I were as cool as Carrie Bradshaw? That's a hell yes. But, I didn't ever begin to blog because of her. I am not that eloquent. My posts are sporadic. My passion for writing doesn't run that deep. To be honest I prefer writing poetry but who wants to read a blog about someones poetry? I blog to escape, heal, and record my feelings. Thus, a tailspin went on in my brain and I realized some things that I will never be. First, I will never be the outfit of the day girl, I will never have a spotless or perfect home (and I am one hundred percent ok with that), I will never not worry about my purchases, I will never have it all together, and I will never look like I did in high school. Also, I'll never be the wife who cooks dinner for her husband every night, the decorator who has everything perfectly matching, or the girl who looks perfectly put together at all times. It's taken me nearly thirty years to realize that I am who I am and I'm ok with that. I'm
not perfect.
I will however, always be the girl who puts Christ first, the woman that loves with all of her heart, the giver of her family, and the girl who tries her best to be happy in any given situation. All I can ask for is His mercy and grace in all that I do and am.
Are you struggling with whom you might never become?