It's ok...
... that I watched the first 5 minutes of the new American Horror Story: Asylum and I can't wait for Wednesday
... that I am NOT OK with my house being a disaster
...to fill my boredom with pinterest
... that I own my own airbrush tanning gun but I resemble Casper
... to not be jazzed about the iphone 5
... that I am obsessed with Halloween and yet I don't have any decorations in my house (wth)
... that I have some really exciting news but haven't shared, yet
... to not like the dog shaming website (poor things)
... to not like the taste of pumpkin, I feel like I'm the only one
... that I still love Britney Spears and feel that as a country we must protect her, yall!
Join the link up and have a great rest of the day!