
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oh, How Pinteresting! 10/10/2012

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I'm loving witches this week! I'm still as an adult fascinated with the Salem Witch Hunts. I've always been a person who enjoys scary movies and that hasn't changed with maturity. I am still a fan of Disney classics, the majority of which have a wicked witch of some sort. This time of year is like Christmas for me! Maybe I will dress up as a witch this year... afterall it is the most classic Halloween costume there is, right?


  1. One year when I still worked in a school, I put on a witch costume with cat makeup. I was a witch in the process of turning into a cat.

    Love this post!

  2. Love all of the witch stuff. This really made me even more excited for Halloween & making some Halloween crafts/ food. Thanks!

  3. Aww, I used to love Hocus Pocus when I was a kid! I haven't seen it in ages. I bet I'd still love it. :)
