It's the most wonderful time of the year, as many would say. For some reason this year I completely agree. I know I have mentioned before that I am the biggest fan of Halloween, (trust me I still am), but for whatever reason Christmas just feels different this year. Different in a good way. Many of my students have begun asking me what I want for Christmas and it's hard to not blurt out what I truly hope and pray for...a baby. So, instead I smile and say things like "Cold weather", "A snow day", "Candles", and usually I get a giggle or two out of them. This is probably the first year where Santa can not give me what I want, only God can. I believe what has helped make this season a good one is my faith in Him, I trust Him completely and know that he will give me the desires of my heart. I believe that. I've been spending my first fifteen minutes each morning focusing only on Him, whether it's pray, scripture, or a devotional my mind is on Him. My days are much better because of this. I want to encourage anyone reading this to try and do the same each morning. Cast all of your worries to the Lord, and pray about everything. Christ is the reason for the season, it's NOT about wants, and presents. As a society we definitely get caught up in the commercialization of Christmas. Please don't get me wrong and think I don't give gifts because of course I do, I am just suggesting we all remember why we are here and who gave us this wonderful life.

beautiful :)
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I know exactly how you feel! I keep hoping and praying, but it's just not happening yet. I haven't thought to ask Santa! ;) Just kidding. But here's to praying we both begin a new year with a new addition to look forward to! :)