I need to be honest. I've been thinking about writing about the great
wait weight for awhile and today is the day to let it all out. I've gained fifty pounds, yes that is correct
fifty pounds. While looking at
this picture of Jessica Simpson, I read the caption below it out loud, "She let herself go." That statement really triggered something inside of me. Weight gain isn't all about letting yourself go. I certainly do not think
I let myself go, I never stopped caring about my appearance. It didn't happen overnight, it was a steady climb that I barely noticed. About a year into our marriage a first grade teacher I work with asked "what's happening?" while pointing to my stomach. RUDE! I politely told her, "nothing.". Oh, but she was persistent, week after week she would say "is something going on?", or "you're pregnant?", looking back now I should have taken that as a sign to up the cardio, instead I thought she was rude, and as a woman I couldn't believe she kept pestering me about it. Then it was Christmas of 2011 and Blake and I would be traveling to Dallas for the holiday only I had
nothing to wear, nothing fit me. That's basically when I began shunning away from pictures, I don't think I was ashamed of the weight as much as I am now. I still did nothing about it, for years! God has been testing us with this great
wait for a child, and in the meantime I have turned our wait into weight. I can't pinpoint a moment where all this weight accumulated, but I also can't ignore it. Finally, after my nieces baptisms I was looking at pictures; someone caught me in a photo, and let me tell you that was not what I saw in the mirror, not even close. I knew I had gained too much weight, but I really didn't realize what I looked like until that photo was staring at me.
I've always been the girl who loves having her picture taken. It's so weird to look through my camera and see shots of only my face, or just my legs, and never a full body shot, not in two years! I don't want to ignore it anymore, I want to be photographed. I want to be healthy and thin again.
In December Blake got us new gym memberships, and I knew I was out of shape, I know this journey isn't going to be the easiest one, but at least I am not ignoring it anymore. I've never had this problem, and it's so shameful. Anytime I see someone who knows
skinny me, I freak out, I want to explain the weight gain, I want to hide, I want to cry, I want to disappear. I hate thinking that people are judging me when they see me but it's part of what goes on in my mind every.single.day. I can't lose weight like I used to, I'm older, my body has been neglected and it doesn't work like it used to. I'm not the same person, I'm fat Catherine. My goal is to lose all of it by August 2013. I'm only down thirteen pounds as of today. Putting this out there, into the world, is a step forward in the right direction, and it feels really good to be honest.