let me start off this post by saying that this has been a tough summer full of spending. we bought a house, had an expensive accident with our precious bella bell, and had a few occurances that are personal and costly.
i remember telling my students last year that there in fact was NOT a teacher fairy who 'came to the classroom to drop off head-sets, mouse pads, grading pens, paper, computer discs, or any of the other items found in my classroom'. i can still see their sweet faces saying/thinking 'what?! where does this stuff come from?' i told them that they came from me, fundraisers, and the recycling program. soon after many more students brought in electronics to donate to our recycling program. it was sweet. children have the most innocent and kind hearts that i have ever bared witness to.
our pto is amazing and very giving.
sometimes there are little things that the students need and i feel selfish asking pto for the money to purchase them. i am more than happy to spend a few extra bucks on items i know will benefit the students. this year will be different because as many of the nation knows, teachers are not getting paid what some would argue is enough. no raises, no spending money, nada.
the little ones are constantly chewing/playing with/breaking things all of the time. not on purpose of course, but accidents happen.
here are some fun pictures of items on my shopping list thus far:
used everyday and sometimes caps are not put back on |
yes it's true, teachers are responsible for cleaning/disenfecting their own classroom |
headphones |
construction paper is used all of the time, so is poster board, for our 'teachers of the week' projects |
best disinfectant spray, plus the students enjoy the smell |
you would be shocked, maybe, at the amount of tissues used |
these get lost or dry out all the time |
as mentioned before, best grading pen |
my sixth grade class is responsible for the morning news and yearbook. we only have one digital camera. i am going to have to purchase at least one more, if not two. |
i would love to have stability balls instead of chairs. i hope to have a couple at least for the older students.
all of you fabulous teachers out there, what do you need for your classroom? |
The dreaded tissue boxes...how do kids go through them so fast?? :-) I feel your pain, I was just warning my husband that it was back to school time, and how expensive that can be. Don't want him falling over when he sees the bills, ha!